$659 Chilean pesos for a kilo of red apples (manzanas rojas) in Arica. The exchange rate in Chile is 500 pesos to the American dollar. |
One of the commercial beaches in Iquique with the city skyline behind it. About a mile down the coast you'll find the less-pristine industrial shipyard beaches. |
A tres leches (three milks) cone and a La Serena sunset. ¡Perfecto! |
Street art in La Serena, It says "Neither their church nor their laws will prevent homosexuals from loving each other. Wake up." |
A view from Río Mapocho, a river that divides Santiago in two and is decorated by an array of local street art. |
Here is a closer look at some street art along the river. The two signs say "The awakening of the workers" and "The Age/The Century". |
Men playing chess in Plaza de Armas in Santiago. |
A colorful market stall selling an array of children's toys on the street in Santiago. |
A view of the Andes Mountains (Los Andes) from Cousino Macul Viña, a family-owned and operated vineyard outside of Santiago. |
The empty grape vines at Concha y Toro Viña, which produces more wine than any other South American vineyard. Its cellars are said to be haunted by el diablo - the devil. |
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