Monday, November 4, 2013

About Bolivia

Here is a slightly-belated post to give you some basic information on the country of Bolivia. I wrote this for the school website, but that has not gone up yet. SO, it is going up on here instead.

Enjoy the post in English and in Spanish (below)

Official Name: Plurinational State of Bolivia
Capital: Sucre
Current President: Evo Morales (Socialist)
Languages Spoken: Spanish, Guarani, Aymara and Quechua
Currency and Exchange: Bolivianos (~7 BOB to 1 USD)

Bolivia is one of only two landlocked countries in South America; the country borders Paraguay (the second landlocked nation), Perú, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. Bolivia is home to over 200,000 square miles of Amazonian forest, as well as a portion of the Andes mountain range and Lake Titicaca. In addition to Spanish, which is widely spoken, Bolivia recognizes a total of 37 other native languages. Important holidays in Bolivia include Carnaval, Viernes Santo (Good Friday), Día de la Patria (Independence Day), and Todos Santos (All Saint's Day). 

The country of Bolivia is divided into nine territories, referred to a 'departments': Pando, La Paz, Beni, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Oruro, Potosí, Chuquisaca and Tarija. Although the city of Sucre is considered the constitutional capital, La Paz and Santa Cruz are the two most densely populated cities in Bolivia. Oruro is another well-known city, famous for its Carnaval celebrations in February. 

Colegio Despertad is located in the central department of Cochabamba, and the city is Bolivia's third-largest. Cochabamba is best known for its temperate climate and El Cristo de la Concordia, the word's tallest statue of Jesus Christ.* The department of Cochabamba also boats three national parks: Carrasco National Park, Tunari National Park and Isiboro Sécure National park. 

* Many believe that the statue of Jesus Christ in Río de Janero (Brazil) is the tallest statue of its kind. However, Cochabamba's statue is considered taller by official standards because the pedestals are not not counted as part of the statue itself.


Bolivia es uno de los países de Sud America sin litoral; el pais limita con Paraguay (la segunda nación sin litoral), Perú, Argentina, Chile y Brasil. Bolivia es hogar de mas de 200,000 millas cuadradas de selva Amazonica, así como una parte de la cordillera de los Andes y el Lago Titicaca. Ademas de español, que es hablado por la mayoria, Bolivia reconoce un total de 37 lenguas nativas. 

Feriados importantes en Bolivia incluyen a Carnavales, Viernes Santo, Día de la Patria y Todos Santos. El pais de Bolivia está dividido en nueve territorios denominados "departamentos": Pando, La Paz, Beni, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Oruro, Potosí, Chuquisaca y Tarija. Aunque la ciudad de Sucre es considerada la capital constitucional, La Paz y Santa Cruz son las dos ciudades mas densamente pobladas de Bolivia. Oruro es otra ciudad muy conocida, famosa por sus celebraciones de Carnavales en Febrero. 

El Colegio Despertad está ubicado en el departamento central de Cochabamba, y la tercera ciudad mas grande de Bolivia. Cochabamba es conocida pur su clima templado y El Cristo de la Concordia, la estatua mas alta de Jesucristo en el mundo. El departamento de Cochabamba también cuenta con tres parques nacionales: el Parque Nacional Carrasco, Parque Nacional Tunari y Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure. 

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