Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Top Ten: U.S.A.

There are always benefits and deterrents from working and/or living abroad, but any of us who has spent significant time away from our "mother country" will also recall the 'I Miss' lists we make in our heads while we're gone. 

Ask anyone who has spent more than, say, three months living in another country and they'll be able to rattle off their personal wish list. These lists usually revolve around three things: food, family and personal items. In addition, they tend to get quite lengthy, so I'll save you the time and narrow mine down to a manageable Top Ten.

Top Ten Things I Miss From Home

1. My Niece

Anyone who has kids or nieces/nephews can relate to this. Before when I would travel, I would always miss certain people and things, but I don't think I have ever missed anything in my life more than this beautiful baby girl. My niece was just under two when I left for Bolivia and she will be honing in on three when I come back. I missed her second birthday party and her learning to talk; I missed taking her to the beach and haircuts and new shoes and her picking out an outfit by herself for the first time. I missed Easter eggs hunts and soon I'll miss Halloween. But mostly I just miss seeing her face and all the new things she learned every single day. 

2. My Own Bed

More specifically, my comforter. By the way, whoever named the comforter is a genius, because a good one will keep you in bed long enough to contemplate losing your job just to remain snuggled in down-feather bliss. A person's bed is probably the most personal item in their apartment or house, and sleeping on borrowed or rented mattresses has got to be the worst part of living abroad. Sure, you're grateful to have a bed, but you'd rather have your own. 

3. My Dad's Lasagna

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. Americanized chinese and mexican food are definitely up there, but when it comes to food I miss while away, at-home classics are the way to go. 

4. My Dad's Spaghetti

Not to be confused with number 3. I love this dish even though I found out he uses Bovril in the sauce. Gross, yet inexplicably tasty.

5. My Family

Feel free to judge me for putting my father, mother and sister halfway down this list, but I think they'll understand. We're a traveling family and I'm the globe-trotting leader, so we're all pretty used to the distance. Does it suck being so far away from them for so long? Sure. Will we all survive? Of course. Plus, they get awesome one-of-a-kind gifts whenever I come home, so it's win-win. Right? RIGHT?

6. My Cat

Some people aren't cat people, and those people are wrong. I got Guinness when he was 8 weeks old and he's been a fluffy, awesome pain in my ass ever since. In actuality, Guinness thinks he's a dog, so really it's the best of both worlds. 

7. Driving

Even people who move from the backcountry to the city will understand this one. Owning a car and being able to drive it gives one the power to travel more easily within your chosen town of residence, as well as the chance to GTFO whenever you feel like it. Sans car = no such luck. I drove once in Bolivia and It. Was. Awesome. 

8. My Niece 

Yeah, she's on here twice. What about it?

9. Netflix

You know that feeling when you could only bring a handful of DVD's on your year-long trip abroad and you DON'T have internet at home to amuse yourself with silly cat videos? Well, I do. And it sucks. Watching your favorite flicks in random languages becomes a lot more fun than you ever thought it would be...right before you vow to never ever watch that movie again. Sorry, Hugh: 'Notting Hill' is out of rotation for a good year or so. See you in 2015. 

10. Target

Need I say more?

** In addition to the above items, my iPhone should be somewhere on this list. As of right now, my "dinosaur" of an iPhone 4 is working wonderfully as 1) an extremely expensive iPod and 2) the occasional internet-surfing machine. I doubt I will ever love Miami more than when the plane touches down and I can finally use this device as an actual phone once again. Expect an influx of texts and phone calls. **

Read Also: Jessica's Top Ten - Bolivia

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